«Let us as close as Bennett closes. It is a little epiphany, a little poem, of pharisaical self-congratulation: Amis got away with it. He got away with as odious an outburst of racist sentiment as any public figure has made in this country for a very long time. Shame on him for saying it, and shame on us for tolerating it.
Well, shame on me, right enough, and shame on everyone else - but not on you, Mr Bennett. Read that last sentence again. You didn't tolerate it, did you? No, you come out of this uncommonly well. Your disgrace isn't social; your disgrace is moral, intellectual and artistic - but no one's going to bother you about that. I will just say, in parting, that the ideology you appease (let's follow Francis Fukuyama and call it jihadism) is irrationalist, misogynist, homophobic, inquisitional, totalitarian and imperialist. And it isn't merely "racist". It is genocidal.»Toda a controversia aqui.