
  • 10.5.04
    O quê sabemos?

    "A minha posição é a seguinte: Interessa-me sobretudo o conhecimento objectivo e a sua evolução, e sustento que não é possível, compreendermos os princípios do conhecimento subjectivo se não estudarmos a evolução do conhecimento objectivo e o intercâmbio entre os dois tipos de conhecimento (no qual o conhecimento subjectivo recebe mais do que dá)."

    (Karl Popper)

    "There is no objective experience. All experience is subjective. Our brains make the images that we think we "perceive." It is significant that all perception - all conscious perception - has image characteristics. A pain is localize somewhere. It has a beginning and an end and a location and stands out against a background. (...). Experience of the exterior is always mediated by particular sense organs and neural pathways. To that extent, objects are creation, and my experience of them is subjective, not objective.
    It is, however, not a trivial assertion to note that very few persons, at least in occidental culture, doubt the objectivity of such sense data as pain or their visual images of the external world. Or civilization is deeply based on this illusion."

    (Gregory Bateson)

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